The LBC Tour website was created for a conference scheduled in October of 2013, wherein a delegation high in the Chinese Federal government came to the United States to create and foster strong business relationships as well as to observe and possibly mimic the American business model.  The conference was a partnership involving a variety of businesses local to Lancaster, but primarily Lancaster Bible College, who hosted the event.

LBCTour Full pageThe design was quite comprehensive, housing most of the conference information on front page and utilizing the sub pages for minutia.  The front page demonstrates a clean, yet informative layout, featuring a scrolling slide show of the keynote speakers, feature articles, a footer to appear on each page, and  a custom drop-down menu.  The layout and logo were my custom design, while most of the images were provided by the client and then edited for content and composition by myself.  Additionally, this website presented a unique challenge in that it was intended to be utilized by both English and Mandarin-speakers.  In order to accommodate the bilingual needs, I designed a button positioned
along the header, which would translate the entire page into Mandarin. 


The sub pages mostly held static information about the details of the conference.  However, a few of the pages held dynamic and interactive content, such as a registration page and a calendar which automatically updated the “upcoming events” in the footer.  I also created a process whereby the client couLBCTour Logold update the list of participants, which would auto-populate on the corresponding page without the need to log in to the website itself, making the process much more comfortable for the user.